Click to enlargeDirty And Ugly<br>Shaft Wood<br><font color=red>SOLD!!</font color>

Who in their right mind would sell dirty and ugly shaft wood and be proud of it?! Well, many of you know Joe and some would say he's not in his 'right mind'. Whatever your opinion we have some of this ugly and dirty shaft wood that needs to be moved out.

Here's the deal:
Joe moved to his present location in late 2005. His first delivery of new shaft wood to his new location was in late 2005; all 12 pallets or almost 20,000 shafts. Unfortunately Joe could only fit 8 pallets in the area he allocated for shafts. The other four pallets were stored in a nearby storage facility where they still remain. So, every year Joe would order shaft wood but this one pallet always remained behind in the shop and the new pallets would arrive before he could get down to the last pallet. This kept going on year after year. Through the years, it was basically used as another bench top. This pallet has seen ivory tusks laying on them, other shaft wood, coring dowels, it was a glue-up station for a while and it�s seen hundreds and hundreds of cored woods through the years. As a result, this pallet got filthy dirty; just look at it! However the shaft wood is pristine and gemmy.

One for the best loads of shaft wood that Joe received was in late 2005. He's glad to have kept these few remaining pallets. Joe wants to move this one pallet out and as such is pricing this well seasoned and quality wood at only $7 per stick (1" x 1" x 30") and yes, all the culls (off graded) have been removed. They really are exceptional shafts, well seasoned for almost 5 years and ready to be a shaft on a cue.

You certainly won't be disappointed and at $6.95 each, how can you pass this up for seasoned wood! It's 5 years old! Many of us want to age our woods and we did it for you without you waiting. This wood is ready to go!

You can order per 1 up to 9 and then per 10, 25, 50 or per 100 either squares or dowels. The doweling charge is $1 per square. However, if you order 50 the doweling charge is only 75 cents each and if you order 100 we charge you only 50 cents each to dowel 100 squares!

Dirty And Ugly
Shaft Wood

DUShaftsRegular Price: $10.00Sale: $6.95

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