Pool Cue Tips and Ferrules from Cue Components

Pool Cue Tips and Ferrules

All our pool cue tips are 14mm unless otherwise specified. All pool cue tips must be sized to the specific cue. If you are not an expert, then seek one out. If not, you too can do a quality installation like this pinhead. Don't ruin a perfectly good pool cue tip by hacking it to death. Tips must be installed properly for maximum performance.

Here we offer only the finest pool cue tips available in the world. None of these pool cue tips are price-fixed by the manufacturer therefore you are purchasing a free market item. Some pool cue tip manufacturers insist on fixing prices where the consumer is forced to pay outrageous manufacturer suggested retail pricing or restrained MAP (minimum advertised pricing) policies. MAP limits sellers from advertising prices lower than the prices set by the manufacturer. Have you ever noticed a product for sale where all sellers have similar pricing; that's what MAP does (text book examples include: Aramith, Predator, Kamui, G2, Tiger Krap Products, etc including mostly all production cue manufacturers). We will never sell priced fixed items and support a product that does not allow for free marketing.

We make the market in pool cue tip pricing and as such you will not find lower prices anywhere. If you do, let us know. Thank you.

So, what is the best pool cue tip Joe?

This has been a long asked question which no one can seem to answer but I am going to definitively answer this question to satisfy all who have ever asked it. The absolute best hitting tip is..... Drum roll please..... The tip that you play best with.

There is no answer to this question as we all play differently. If I play best with a Moori, that doesn't mean that you will. You may play best with a Samson or Buffalo tip and that's fine. Charlie may play best with a Sniper and Mark with a Thomas or Morakami II™ Black, Morakami II™ Clear or Morakami II™ Brown . There are many tips on the market and all are excellent tips otherwise they wouldn't be offered. If they weren't good, sales would show that and no reseller wants dead inventory especially us as we have tens of thousands of dollars tied up in inventory with cue tips.

The trick is to not listen to anyone, try as many different tips on your cue as you can afford and you'll find your best hitting tip. Now remember, when you do find it, stick with it. If you change cues, that tip may not be the best tip for you any longer. It's all trial and error. And remember, just because a tip is $20, that doesn't make it the world's best tip. That only makes it the world's most expensive tip. Your best tip may be a $2 to $3 Samson Cue Tip. It may be a Moori® Cue Tip or a Morakami II™ Black Cue Tip, Morakami II™ Clear Cue Tip or Morakami II™ Brown Cue Tip or some other tip on the market. So, whether it's a Morakami II™ Cue Tip, Samson Cue Tip, Sniper Cue Tip, Onyx Cue Tip, Onyx Extreme™ Cue Tip, Maximus Cue Tips, Moori Cue Tip, Emerald Cue Tip, Everest Cue Tip, Everest Extreme Cue Tip, Raptor Cue Tip or an American Eagle Cue Tip. Your best cue tip will be the tip that you play best with.

And remember this too, just because you like the tip on your buddies cue doesn't necessarily mean you'll like it on your cue.

Below we have listed all reputable outlets to buy Kamui Krap Tips with price fixing controls which don't allow for a free marketplace. When you click on all the links, all sellers are selling these tips for around the very same price. Does that sound American? Does that sound like a free marketplace? Of course not, so keep that in mind when buying and supporting Kamui Krap tips.
https://www.ebay.com/bhp/kamui-tip https://www.kamuitips.com http://www.muellers.com/Kamui-Black-Laminated-Cue-Tip,2387.html https://www.pooldawg.com/kamui-black-pool-cue-tips-1 https://www.seyberts.com/kamui-black-pool-cue-tip https://www.ozonebilliards.com/pool-cue-accessories/pool-cue-tips/kamui-pool-cue-tips/ http://www.billiardwarehouse.com/accessories/cuestix-2014/QTKCLRBLK-SUPER_SOFT.html https://manningcues.com/Kamui-Black-Pool-Cue-Tips.html http://www.billiardfactory.com/Kamui-Clear-Black-Pool-Cue-Tip https://americanbilliardcompany.net/product/e-store/billiards/kamui-black-cue-tips/ http://www.cueworksetc.com/tips.html https://www.cuestik.com/store/product.asp?ITEM_ID=6300&DEPARTMENT_ID=303 https://www.cueandcase.com/kc-kamui-clear-leather-tip.html


Please read this before installing any tips

We’ve been selling billiard supplies and doing repairs for well over a quarter century. We’ve come to find out that tips don’t fail as they are all made exactly the same within a given manufacturers process. Human intervention causes the failure. Inexperience causes the failure.

Installers who are less than reputable cause the failure. Most installers are doing bad installations and some have no business doing installations. Many have insufficient funds to warranty their own work. When a tip “fails” they quickly blame the tip. It’s not the tip. It’s always the installer.

We sell tips to most of the leading custom cue manufacturers and we’ve never had a failed tip issue with any of them. It’s always the weekend warriors who lack the experience. Installation has a lot to do with how a tip will play. If you have Cheap Charlie install the tip in the back seat of his car with pliers and a drill, most likely it will play as well as Charlie installed it. You get what you pay for.

Installation is paramount. A proper installation will not mushroom, will play consistent, will hold chalk and will last. All tips need to be cut down and some need to be cut back, some sanded and all burnished. If it's not done properly, you may not like a perfectly good tip that would otherwise play extremely well had it been properly installed.

Delamination or the layers falling apart is always due to inexperienced installation where the installer builds up excessive heat by sanding and or cutting the tip to shape it. Experience is key as is not building up heat. Take your time and don't sand excessively. All tips need to be cut down and not sanded down.

Lastly, if the tip delaminates, pops off, explodes, balloons or accordions, it's due to cockpit error. PERIOD. We've installed thousands of tips as have our clients and we sell tens of thousands of tips all without incident. All problems are always installation issues. Proper installation by a knowledgeable cue mechanic is always recommended and encouraged.

If you have your tip installed by someone and they say the tip failed, tell them it didn’t fail but their installation failed and you want a refund for the cost of the tip. Watch them all squirm and become belligerent. And lastly, if they are such a good mechanic, they would have noticed a faulty tip prior to installation.

When you’re having a tip installed and it magically becomes damaged, the installer should issue a refund as they were the last person to work on the tip.

Remember, tips don’t fail; installer's do.

Read the ridiculous Joe Pechauer Moori Statement and Pro Player Endorsement articles at the bottom of the page!

Morakami II™<br>Cue Tips - Black
Morakami II™<br>Black Clear <br>Cue Tips
G2 USA™ Cue Tip
Morakami II™
Cue Tips - Black

Regular Price: $35.00
Sale: $13.99, 6/$77.94, 12/$143.88
Morakami II™
Black Clear
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $40.00
Sale: $14.99, 6/$83.94, 12/$155.88
G2 USA™ Cue Tip

Regular Price: $19.99
Sale: $9.95, 10/$92.50, 25/$218.75
Morakami II™<br>Cue Tips - Brown
Morakami II<br>Brown Clear™<br>Cue Tips
Morakami<br>G3 Cue Tips<br><B>NOW AVAILABLE!
Morakami II™
Cue Tips - Brown

Regular Price: $25.00
Sale: $11.99, 6/$66.00, 12/$126.00
Morakami II
Brown Clear™
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $30.00
Sale: $12.99, 6/$71.94, 12/$131.88
G3 Cue Tips

Regular Price: $19.95
Sale: $10.95, 6/$60.00, 12/$114.00
Thomas Cue Tips<br>Laminated Cue Tips
Maximus Professional<br>Cue Tips
Genuine Moori USA™ Cue Tips
Thomas Cue Tips
Laminated Cue Tips

Regular Price: $20.00
Sale: $5.99, 5/$28.75, 10/$55.00, 25/$125.00
Maximus Professional
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $22.00
Sale: $3.50
Genuine Moori USA™ Cue Tips

Regular Price: $25.00
Sale: $9.50
Moori® Cue Tips
Moori SST Cue Tips
Moori® Jewel Cue Tips<BR>NOW AVAILABLE!
Moori® Cue Tips

Regular Price: $25.00
Sale: $14.99, 3/$41.97, 5/$64.95, 10/$119.90, 25/$274.75
Moori SST Cue Tips

Regular Price: $24.99
Sale: $15.95
Moori® Jewel Cue Tips

Regular Price: $29.99
Sale: $19.99
American Raptor<br>Cue Tips<br>Black & Brown
American Eagle<br>Pool Cue Tips
Moori Cue Tips<br> & The Fakes<br>Being Offered?
American Raptor
Cue Tips
Black & Brown

Regular Price: $19.95
Sale: $4.25, 10/$35.00
American Eagle
Pool Cue Tips

Regular Price: $25.00
Sale: $9.95, 12/$111.00, 24/$204.00
Moori Cue Tips
& The Fakes
Being Offered?

Regular Price: $18.75
Sale: $0.02
Kamui Cue Tips Anyone?
Wizard Cue Tips
Wizard USA™ Cue Tips
Kamui Cue Tips Anyone?

Regular Price: $25.00
Sale: $11.00
Wizard Cue Tips

Regular Price: $10.00
Sale: $6.50, 5/$31.25, 10/$60.00, 25/$137.50
Wizard USA™ Cue Tips

Regular Price: $10.00
Sale: $5.95, 5/$27.50, 10/$50.00, 25/$112.50
Sharp Shooter<br>Pool Cue Tips
Samson<br>Pool Cue Tips<br>8 Layer
Samson V Layered<br>Professional Pool Cue Tip
Sharp Shooter
Pool Cue Tips

Regular Price: $17.95
Sale: $6.95, 12/$71.40
Pool Cue Tips
8 Layer

Regular Price: $7.00
Sale: $1.50, 25/$31.25, 50/$50.00
Samson V Layered
Professional Pool Cue Tip

Regular Price: $6.95
Sale: $2.95, 5/$12.50, 10/$22.50, 25/$43.75, 50/$62.50
Samson S2<br>Layered Pool Cue Tips
Hercules 8 Layer<br>Cue Tip
Barringer ElkDuds™
Samson S2
Layered Pool Cue Tips

Regular Price: $7.50
Sale: $1.95, 10/$15.00, 25/$31.25, 50/$50.00
Hercules 8 Layer
Cue Tip

Regular Price: $7.00
Sale: $2.25, 10/$19.95, 25/$39.95
Barringer ElkDuds™

Regular Price: $10.00
Sale: $5.95, 5/$26.25, 10/$49.50, 25/$106.25, 50/$197.50
Bentley Limited Edition<br>H2 Laminated Tips
Water Buffalo Pro Tips
Super Pro Cue Tip
Bentley Limited Edition
H2 Laminated Tips

Regular Price: $5.00
Sale: $2.25, 10/$19.95, 25/$39.95
Water Buffalo Pro Tips

Regular Price: $2.00
Sale: $1.25, 10/$9.95, 25/$22.95, 50/$44.95, 100/$84.95
Super Pro Cue Tip

Regular Price: $3.95
Sale: $1.25, 10/$9.95, 25/$14.95, 50/$22.95, 100/$39.90
Sumo Tips
Elkmaster Pool Cue Tips
Blue Master<br>Elk Cue Tips
Sumo Tips

Regular Price: $5.00
Sale: $3.75, 10/$32.50, 25/$62.50
Elkmaster Pool Cue Tips

Regular Price: $2.00
Sale: $1.00, 10/$7.50, 25/$17.50, 50/$32.50
Blue Master
Elk Cue Tips

Regular Price: $2.00
Sale: $0.75, 10/$6.00, 25/$10.00, 50/$15.00
LePro Pool Cue Tips
ThePro™ Pool Cue Tips<br>(similar to LePro)
Triangle Pool Cue Tips
LePro Pool Cue Tips

Regular Price: $2.00
Sale: $1.50, 10/$13.50, 25/$31.25, 50/$57.50
ThePro™ Pool Cue Tips
(similar to LePro)

Regular Price: $2.00
Sale: $1.00, 10/$8.00, 25/$17.50, 50/$30.00
Triangle Pool Cue Tips

Regular Price: $3.00
Sale: $2.00, 10/$15.00, 25/$27.50, 50/$47.50
Triad Cue Tips
Black Diamond<br>8 layered<br>Water Buffalo<br>Cue Tips
Karomi Original Tips
Triad Cue Tips

Regular Price: $3.00
Sale: $1.00, 10/$7.00, 25/$15.00, 50/$25.00
Black Diamond
8 layered
Water Buffalo
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $8.00
Sale: $2.50, 10/$20.00, 25/$37.50, 100/$125.00
Karomi Original Tips

Regular Price: $6.95
Sale: $2.50, 10/$22.50, 25/$50.00
Karomi<br>Black Pearl Cue Tips
Balabushka<br>Performance Chalk<BR><font color=red>DISCONTINUED</font color=red>
Morakami™<br>Performance Chalk<br>Blue & Blonde
Black Pearl Cue Tips

Regular Price: $7.95
Sale: $4.50, 6/$25.50, 12/$48.00
Performance Chalk

Regular Price: $12.00
Sale: $9.95
Performance Chalk
Blue & Blonde

Regular Price: $9.95
Sale: $6.99, 3/$19.50, 10/$59.99, 48/$264.00
Morakami<br>Gator Shaper™ Tip Tool
White Diamond<br>Cue Tips<br>Jump/Break<br>by Joe Picone
Xtreme Clear & Black<br>BulletProof Jump Break™ Cue Tip
Gator Shaper™ Tip Tool

Regular Price: $44.95
Sale: $14.95, 10/$129.50, 25/$298.75
White Diamond
Cue Tips
by Joe Picone

Regular Price: $10.95
Sale: $7.50, 6/$43.50, 12/$81.00
Xtreme Clear & Black
BulletProof Jump Break™ Cue Tip

Regular Price: $15.00
Sale: $7.99, 2/$14.95, 5/$32.50, 12/$69.99
Tough Tip™  <br>Cyanoacrylate
Emerald Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Tiger<br>Cue Tip Alternatives<br>NO MORE<br>MAP CRAP!
Tough Tip™

Regular Price: $24.99
Sale: $11.99, 3/$29.99
Emerald Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $8.95
Sale: $6.95
Cue Tip Alternatives

Onyx Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Tiger<br>Jump/Break Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Tiger<br>Ice Breaker Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Onyx Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $29.95
Sale: $16.95
Jump/Break Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $19.95
Sale: $12.00, 5/$55.00
Ice Breaker Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $26.95
Sale: $16.95
Onyx Extreme™<br> Cue Tips
Lion Jump/Break<br> Extreme™ Cue Tips
IceBreaker Extreme™<br> Cue Tips
Onyx Extreme™
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $27.95
Sale: $10.95, 6/$63.00, 12/$119.40
Lion Jump/Break
Extreme™ Cue Tips

Regular Price: $19.95
Sale: $8.00, 6/$42.00, 12/$72.00
IceBreaker Extreme™
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $24.95
Sale: $10.95, 6/$54.00, 12/$96.00
Everest Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Everest Extreme™<br> Cue Tips
Sniper Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Everest Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $19.95
Sale: $12.00
Everest Extreme™
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $19.95
Sale: $9.99, 6/$56.94, 12/$107.88
Sniper Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $25.95
Sale: $15.99
Tiger Dynamite<br>Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Sniper Extreme™<br>Cue Tips
Tiger<br>Cue Tips<br>Check Out<br>Our Low Pricing
Tiger Dynamite
Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $8.95
Sale: $6.00
Sniper Extreme™
Cue Tips

Regular Price: $22.95
Sale: $7.95, 6/$41.70, 12/$71.40
Cue Tips
Check Out
Our Low Pricing

Regular Price: $14.95
Sale: $11.00, 5/$50.00
Buffalo Horn Ferrules, Joints, Butts & Slabs & Camel Bone Slabs
Ivory Colored<br>Threaded Ferrules<br>NOW AVAILABLE!!!
Fiber Ferrule Pads
Buffalo Horn Ferrules, Joints, Butts & Slabs & Camel Bone Slabs

Regular Price: $10.00
Sale: $5.95
Ivory Colored
Threaded Ferrules

Regular Price: $5.00
Sale: $2.95, 10/$27.50
Fiber Ferrule Pads

Regular Price: $1.00
Sale: $0.50, 10/$3.00
Clear Ferrule Pads
Ivorine 3®<br>Ferrule Tubes
Aegis Ferrules - Solid
Clear Ferrule Pads

Regular Price: $1.50
Sale: $0.99, 3/$2.49, 10/$7.49, 25/$16.29
Ivorine 3®
Ferrule Tubes

Regular Price: $4.00
Sale: $3.50, 10/$32.50
Aegis Ferrules - Solid

Regular Price: $3.75
Sale: $3.50, 10/$33.50, 20/$63.00
Off - White Linen Ferrules
Auronlyte Ferrules
Genuine Ivory Ferrules
Off - White Linen Ferrules

Regular Price: $2.00
Sale: $1.15, 10/$8.95
Auronlyte Ferrules

Regular Price: $1.75
Sale: $1.35, 10/$12.95, 50/$57.50, 100/$109.95
Genuine Ivory Ferrules

Regular Price: $125.00
Sale: $99.95
Ivorite-III™ <BR>Solid Melamine Ferrules
Micarta Ferrules Solid
Micarta Ferrule Tube
Solid Melamine Ferrules

Regular Price: $3.95
Sale: $3.50, 10/$33.50, 20/$63.00
Micarta Ferrules Solid

Regular Price: $4.00
Sale: $3.25, 10/$30.00, 20/$55.00
Micarta Ferrule Tube

Regular Price: $7.00
Sale: $5.00, 10/$45.00, 20/$80.00
Juma Ferrule Material
Westinghouse<br>Paper Micarta Ferrules
Tiger Saber-T Ferrules<br>DISCONTINUED
Juma Ferrule Material

Regular Price: $2.75
Sale: $1.99, 10/$14.50
Paper Micarta Ferrules

Regular Price: $75.00
Sale: $52.95
Tiger Saber-T Ferrules

Regular Price: $5.00
Sale: $2.50
Westinghouse<br>Linen Micarta Ferrules
Meucci Original Ferrules
XTC Ferrule Material
Linen Micarta Ferrules

Regular Price: $25.00
Sale: $12.95, 20/$219.00
Meucci Original Ferrules

Regular Price: $2.50
Sale: $1.50
XTC Ferrule Material

Regular Price: $4.50
Sale: $2.50, 10/$19.99
Black Canvas Ferrules<BR>Solid
Genuine Palmer<br>Original Ferrules
Natural Linen &<br>Canvas Ferrules<BR>Solid
Black Canvas Ferrules

Regular Price: $5.00
Sale: $3.25, 10/$29.95
Genuine Palmer
Original Ferrules

Regular Price: $50.00
Sale: $32.99, 10/$299.99
Natural Linen &
Canvas Ferrules

Regular Price: $5.00
Sale: $3.25, 10/$29.95
Lex Ferrule Clear & Black
G2 USA™ Cue Tip
G2 Japan Pool Cue Tips
Lex Ferrule Clear & Black

Regular Price: $15.00
Sale: $9.95, 3/$27.75, 6/$51.00, 12/$95.40
G2 USA™ Cue Tip

Regular Price: $19.99
Sale: $9.95, 10/$92.50, 25/$212.50, 50/$397.50
G2 Japan Pool Cue Tips

Regular Price: $19.95
Sale: $14.95, 3/$41.85


This article shall remain posted until the marketplace settles down due to the damage & uncertainty created by Pechauer or until such time as Pechauer sets the record straight.

The Moori Controversy & Joe Pechauer

written by Joe Barringer

For the record and just to clarify, genuine Moori tips are still available in the USA from Japan through reputable resellers such as Cue Components (as well as a few other resellers) and don't worry about the rumors as they're all untrue.

We were recently shown a statement that Joe Pechauer of Pechauer Cues circulated to his clientele. We were deeply saddened and dismayed over the irresponsible statement that Joe Pechauer made to his clients. We would never expect this of Joe but be that as it may, he did make the statement which created chaos and uncertainty in the Moori marketplace by his deliberate and false statements. He stated that Moori tips "would no longer be made available in the USA" and "that any that are sold here could be fakes". That was nothing more than a self-serving endeavor. Any respect we once had for Pechauer is long gone. It's a shame for someone who prides himself in making all American cues to make such a false and inaccurate statement. At this point we have zero respect for someone like that who puts his best interests above all else to screw others for his own selfish greed. And, the worst part is that he was informed of his indiscretion but his flawed character and utter contempt for the billiard community will not allow him to apologize for making such an outrageous, ludicrous, egregious, false and irresponsible statement.

Pechauer needs to man-up and apologize to all the good, honest and hard working resellers of Moori tips. More importantly he needs to apologize to the billiard community as a whole, especially to the fan base and customer base who have come to rely upon Moori tips as their tip of choice.

The true story is that Genuine Moori's are readily available in the USA. The problem comes from the fact that the European distributor and the self proclaimed "USA Moori distributor" (the clueless pinheads in Skokie) cannot get supplied as they had been getting supplied because of the death of one of Moori's distributors in Japan. As such, the European distributor and the "USA Moori distributor" who relied upon this supplier in Japan can no longer obtain Moori as that was their sole supplier. Unlike us, we never relied upon this individual and had other sources that remain secure to this day. Moori tips are in very high demand and still remain one of the best playing tips to this very day, are readily available and of course they are in fact genuine.

And now we'd like to return you to your regularly scheduled program.

(all names and tips are fictitious to make the point)

Don't you just love to hear that Fast Eddie uses Brand X tips or cues because he can feel the difference of the quality over all others. Nine Ball Nelson uses Brand Y because he plays best with them and would never consider any other. Mack the Knife (great song) uses Brand Z because they are the best and no other tips or cue comes close.

Who the heck do you believe? It's really an easy decision. The answer is a very simple one. NO ONE.

You don't and can't believe anyone who endorses a product today. Many pro pool players will prostitute (yes it's prostitution just as many Movie Stars tout a new age cream or reverse mortgages) themselves to anyone for the almighty dollar. Values, morals and ethics all go out the window for the big bucks. If we were to pay Fast Eddie $50k a year, he'd say he likes the new all rock tips made from the finest rock quarries in the United States. I kid you not. It's all about money. When some pro players endorse a product, it's because the manufacturer paid more than all the others or have them under contract. And never stray away from that belief and you'll never be misled to spend your hard earned money for crap that is exactly that.

And then, to add insult to injury, these same manufacturers use MAP (Minimum Advertising Price) to manipulate you, the American consumer into paying inflated, controlled and fixed marketplace pricing through their resellers. These same resellers assist the manufacturer in manipulating the market pricing against you. Just say NO to these manufacturing manipulators as it's a vicious cycle and controlled market.

Furthermore, I am not going to mention any cue manufacturers but many are manufacturing cheap cues in China and then selling them for big bucks here in the USA. The funniest thing is to see a Pro player standing there holding and endorsing that product! Personally, I think it's hysterical as some pros have no shame.

These manufacturers have huge advertising campaigns and flood the market with their ads to brainwash you, the American public into believing that their products are the best and superior due to their 'X317LM½' technology. The only technology they have is in their advertising budgets. These manufacturers are predators on the marketplace.

And then the best one liner is "as a manufacturer we don't pay our pro players or offer them financial compensation". Yeah, and if you believe that, I have some beach front property I'd like to sell you. The truth is that many manufacturers are now resorting to this tactic where they actually don't pay the pro but give them X number of tips or pool cues a month. Well, gee what do you think the pro does with those tips or cues! Do I have to paint a picture? It's indirect compensation.

When it comes to pool cue tips or cues don't believe all the hype because the hype is paid for by the manufacturer. No supplier will ever say this, much less publish it but us because it's the truth.

Be sure to check our pricing on pool cue tips and ferrules further up on this page.

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